2024年11月3日 星期日

【Python Advanced】Pandas 套件必學資料處理函數介紹與應用


【Python Advanced】Pandas 套件必學資料處理函數介紹與應用! | by NTU Data Analytics Club | NTU Data Analytics Club | Medium

本篇文章 key takeaway:

  1. Pandas 資料剖析、取值與了解個別欄位等,常用資料處理函數介紹
  2. Pandas 資料排序、移除與資料型態轉換等,基礎資料處理函數介紹
  3. Pandas 資料分類、資料表合併與時間欄位處理,進階資料處理函數介紹

從零起步學 Python!入門到專案實戰一次學會

課程講師:紀俊男 Robert 


python3.7, 雖然是2018年的課程,對初學者還是非常實用

"06 「計算機概論」要怎麼學,才不會駁雜難記?"

 "07 需要了解的「硬體層」-Part 1. 計算用硬體"

 "08 需要了解的「硬體層」-Part 2. 儲存用硬體"

 "09 需要了解的「硬體層」-Part 3. 連接用硬體"

 "10 需要了解的「系統層」Part1.架構"

 "11 需要了解的「系統層」Part2.常見系統"

 "12 需要了解的「程式層」Part 1. 簡介"

 "13 需要了解的「程式層」Part 2. 原始碼"

 "14 需要了解的「程式層」Part 3. 執行檔"

 "15 需要了解的「程式層」Part 4. 開發工具"

 "16 需要了解的「網路層」知識有哪些?"

 "17 需要了解的「資訊安全」知識有哪些?"

 "18 Python 的歷史與應用領域"

 "19 寫程式需要哪些工具?"

 "20 安裝開發環境"

 "21 如何規畫&撰寫您的第一支程式?"

 "22 如何為您的程式「除錯」"

 "23 如何保存不同版本的程式碼"

 "24 簡單敘述 git 與 GitHub 是什麼"

 "25 git 安裝與設定"

 "26 git 建倉與集結"

 "27 簽入與版本差異"

 "28 簽出與版本倒回"

 "29 分支與合併"

 "30 GitHub 簡易操作說明"

 "31 簡介 Python 的數值與變數"

 "32 簡介 Python 的整數"

 "33 簡介 Python 的浮點數"

 "34 簡介 Python 的文字"

 "35 簡介 Python 的布林值"

 "36 簡介 Python 的變數"

 "37 印字指令 print()|列印一般數值與特殊字元"

 "38 印字指令 print()|印字不換列與分隔符號指定"

 "39 印字指令 print()|print() 的排版指令"

 "40 讀值指令 intput()"

 "41 運算符號簡介"

 "42 算數運算子"

 "43 比較運算子"

 "44 邏輯運算子"

 "45 位元運算子"

 "46 指定運算子"

 "47 優先順序與結合性"

 "48 分支簡介"

 "49 簡單分支"

 "50 雙重分支"

 "51 巢狀分支"

 "52 迴圈簡介"

 "53 while 迴圈"

 "54 for 迴圈"

 "55 巢狀迴圈"

 "56 break 與 continue 指令"

 "57 複合資料型態簡介"

 "58 字串簡介"

 "59 字串基本運算"

 "60 字串切片(Slicing)運算"

 "61 字串迭代(Iteration)運算"

 "62 字串常用函數"

 "63 元組的簡介"

 "64 元組的基本運算"

 "65 元組常用函數"

 "66 元組產生式"

 "67 串列的簡介"

 "68 串列的基本運算"

 "69 串列常用函數"

 "70 串列生成式"

 "71 字典的簡介"

 "72 字典的基本運算"

 "73 字典常用函數"

 "74 字典生成式"

 "75 集合的簡介"

 "76 集合的基本運算"

 "77 集合常用函數"

 "78 集合生成式"

 "79 函數簡介"

 "80 函數的定義與叫用"

 "81 區域變數與全域變數"

 "82 傳入值與傳回值"

 "83 Lambda 函數"

 "84 內部(巢狀)函數"

 "85 物件導向簡介"

 "86 封裝:定義一個類別"

 "87 封裝:建構函數"

 "88 封裝:私有成員"

 "89 封裝:成員的讀寫與列印"

 "90 封裝:運算子重新定義"

 "91 封裝:解構函數"

 "92 繼承"

 "93 多型"

 "94 例外處理簡介"

 "95 例外捕捉"

 "96 自訂例外"

 "97 寫入檔案的方法"

 "98 讀取檔案的方法"

2019年1月9日 星期三


Asymmetric routing with multiple network path


  • 舉Fortigate例子

 config system settings
set asymroute enable
config vdom
config system settings
set asymroute enable
If you enable asymmetric routing, antivirus and intrusion prevention systems will not be effective. Your FortiGate unit will be unaware of connections and treat each packet individually. It will become a stateless firewall.

  • Key word : asymmetric routing

2018年8月10日 星期五

Configuration Change Notification and Logging

Configuration Change Notification and Logging


2.configure terminal
4.log config
5.logging enable
6.logging size entries
8.notify syslog

2017年2月13日 星期一

避免因 "重新整理網頁" (Reload Page) 造成資料重送

by Jamyy on 三月.20, 2008, under Coding

PHP 網頁達到以下目的
  1. 禁止返回上頁
  2. 避免因 "重新整理網頁" (Reload Page) 造成資料重送

 11<script language="JavaScript">
12    //讓 "回上頁不觸發 onload() 事件的瀏覽器" 也能 "禁止回上頁"
13    //Ref: http://www.boutell.com/newfaq/creating/backbutton.html
14    setTimeout("fn_forward()",1);
15    function fn_forward() {
16        history.forward();
17        setTimeout("fn_forward()",1);
18    }
21<body onload="history.go(1);fn_forward();">



2017年2月8日 星期三

Windows Security Auditing


Security Auditing

Updated: January 25, 2010
Applies To: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2
This navigation topic for the IT professional describes the documentation available to plan, implement, and monitor events by using features found in Windows Security Auditing.
Security auditing is one of the most powerful tools that you can use to maintain the security of your system. As part of your overall security strategy, you should determine the level of auditing that is appropriate for your environment. Auditing should identify attacks (successful or not) that pose a threat to your network, and attacks against resources that you have determined to be valuable in your risk assessment.
Windows Security Auditing documentation has been republished to include additional versions of Windows. For updated information and links to current topics, see Security Auditing Overview.

  • Advanced Security Auditing Walkthrough

    This step-by-step guide uses Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 to demonstrate the process of setting up an advanced audit policies infrastructure in a test environment. During this process, you will create an Active Directory domain, install Windows Server 2008 R2 on a member server, install Windows 7 on a client computer, and configure two advanced audit policies.
  • Advanced Security Auditing FAQ

    This topic lists common questions and their answers about understanding, deploying, and managing security audit policies.
  • Which Editions of Windows Support Advanced Audit Policy Configuration

    This topic provides information about the versions of Windows that support advanced audit policy configuration, in addition to special considerations that apply to various tasks associated with auditing enhancements.

  • Planning and Deploying Advanced Security Audit Policies

    This topic explains the options that security policy planners must consider and the tasks they must complete to deploy an effective security audit policy in a network. Advanced security audit policies were introduced in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, but they also apply to other versions. This topic also lists the supported versions.

  • Auditpol

    This topic provides syntax and examples for using the Auditpol command-line tool. Auditpol can be used to display information about audit policies and to perform functions to manipulate them.

2016年3月7日 星期一


處理/etc/rc與.cronrc檔案時,如果不使用Bourne shell的話,會產生一些問題,因為這兩個檔案一定得用Bourne shell來處理。

From "Wicked Cool Shell Scripts"
